Helping you find hope after
your relationship breakdown
Our 7-week course runs on various evenings throughout the year in a number of locations -
We meet in Clifton, Cotham & Southmead in Bristol, Clevedon, N. Somerset and Downend,
S. Glos.
Our latest course dates are shown below, but do get in touch to find out what others we are planning.
Course Dates:
Aquila Self-Help Courses
No courses currently arranged
If you would like to know more call 07807 058479
Book Now >>
Download Poster for your organisation with details of our latest Bristol course >>
Download Poster for your organisation with details of our latest Clevedon course >>
Download Poster for your organisation with general details >>
Seminar Dates:
Understanding Relationship Breakdown Seminar/ Workshop
This is an opportunity to learn more about the issues surrounding relationship breakdown.
If you've like to register your interest to book a place on one of these workshops please contact us and we will let you know when dates have been arranged.
If you would like to know more call Sarah on 07807 058479
or email:
I was very hesitant and nervous about joining the course but I'm so glad I plucked up the couyrage to
do so.
I was very hesitant and nervous about joining the course but I'm so glad I plucked up the courage to
do so.