Helping you find hope after
your relationship breakdown

about us

Aquila has been offering help and hope to those suffering pain from broken relationships for over 20 years through its confidential self-help course. Our self-help courses are facilitated by a group of trained men and women who have all experienced broken relationships or divorce.
We know how important it is to have support and understanding, and what a vital role it played in our own recoveries.
We encourage and support each other over coffee in a safe and non-judgemental atmosphere where the experience and insights of all are valued. Our aim is for you to find your way towards understanding, healing and wholeness.
We also offer workshops and talks specifically designed to help those involved in supporting people going through relationship/family breakdown or divorce, who do not necessarily have personal experience of these situations.
We generally work with church leaders and pastoral care workers, but are willing to work with statutory bodies and other agencies if needed. If Aquila courses aren’t currently offered in your area yet, you could be the first to do so – contact us to find out more.
Our facilitators are all Christians and although our faith has played a part in our recoveries, this is not a factor we major on in the self-help course. Our aim is to give non-judgemental care and guidance to people wanting to rebuild their lives, not to impose our beliefs on them. Our courses are equally accessible to people of all backgrounds and ages and to people of faith or none.
For more information email info@hope-after-heartbreak.co.uk
I was very hesitant and nervous about joining the course but I'm so glad I plucked up the courage to do so. Andy

I was very hesitant and nervous about joining the course but I'm so glad I plucked up the courage to
do so.