Helping you find hope after
your relationship breakdown
support for children
NCH - It's Not Your Fault -
Practical information for children, young people and parents going through family break-up.
Childline -
Is the UK's free, 24-hour helpline for children in distress or danger - FREEPHONE 0800 11 11
Relateen -
This is a confidential counselling service offered to young people aged 5 to 18 who need someone to talk to about their difficulties and experiences caused by problems in the home. Quite often adults who are experiencing problems are not always aware of how their difficulties may be impacting on the children. Also, children in these circumstances do not want to burden their parents with their fears and concerns and tend to keep things to themselves. This service allows young people to access counsellors directly.
To book on a local course or to chat to someone
click on your nearest location from the ‘locations’ list