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south east

Local Citizen Advice Bureaus -
Wealden Citizens Advice - www.citizensadvice.org.uk/wealdencitizensadvice
Wealden Citizens Advice has bureaux in Crowborough, Hailsham and Uckfield and runs weekly advice sessions in Heathfield, Polegate, Wadhurst and Willingdon. They operate a general telephone and drop-in advice service and appointments are available for debt advice via referral from their generalist advisers.
They are a charity mainly staffed by volunteers, their highly trained advisers have an in-depth knowledge of the make-up and needs of the local community and provide information and support to help people solve their problems. All bureaux have access for disabled clients.
To find a Citizens Advice Bureau local to you search on www.citizensadvice.org.uk

To book on a local course or to chat to someone
click on your nearest location from the ‘locations’ list