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your relationship breakdown

domestic violence

Domestic Violence - www.refuge.org.uk
24hr National Domestic Violence Helpline - FREEPHONE 0808 2000 247
Run in partnership between Refuge & Women's Aid the Helpline is available seven days a week for women experiencing domestic violence. Calls are confidential and are handled by fully-trained female workers who provide support, information and a listening ear. Abused women and their children can gain access to a network of refuges across the UK via this helpline.
The Hideout - www.thehideout.org.uk
Run by Women's Aid, The Hideout provides help, information and support for children and young people – whether currently living with violence, experienced violence in the past or if you know someone else going through it and you’re looking for help and information.
24-hour National Domestic Violence Helpline - FREEPHONE 0808 2000 247
ManKind - www.mankind.org.uk
Supports male victims of domestic abuse and violence. A confidential Helpline 01823 334244 is manned from Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm and 7pm - 9pm by trained people who give information and support on all aspects of domestic abuse including reporting incidents, police procedures, housing, benefits and injunctions. They can also refer people to refuges, local authorities and other support services, where appropriate.

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